
We have marked many significant events in our history as Medical Missionaries of Mary. Early in our story, these often illustrated the struggle of our foundress to decide how the dream of having women religious involved in medical work should be realized in practical terms. Decisions were the outcome of many years of prayer and discernment on the part of Marie Martin and her first companions. These women were assisted by many other people who shared her vision and helped to pave the way.

Once the MMM Congregation was established, resources were invested in establishing our first foundations, especially in Ireland and Africa. We developed materials for promotion work and many Sisters spent valuable years ‘on the road’, making contacts and encouraging women to join in the challenge of mission life. We opened novitiates for early training of MMMs. Mother Mary began to fulfil her dream of having an International Missionary Training Hospital to prepare MMM Sisters and others to bring health care to areas of great need.

As the word spread, there were more requests for trained Sisters. We established foundations in more countries and eventually, in more continents. Women from many countries joined this international group.

As health care institutions became established and competent local personnel were trained, we made decisions about handing over and moving on to other areas of great need. These are difficult times for the Sisters and those they leave behind, but they are also inherent to the lives of MMMs. We became involved in complementary healing therapies. We included education about human rights in our programmes.

As more people expressed an interest in living the charism and spirit of the Medical Missionaries of Mary, we began to reflect on the possibility of having MMM Associates. As of 2020, women and men in nineteen different countries apply values important to MMM in their own vocations, life choices, and commitments