Monthly Features

The Hidden Treasure – The Gift of Life, By Sr. Cornelia Udoka, MMM

When we think of a treasure, we think of something we cherish so dearly, something valuable that is precious to us and we want to acquire it.  Merriam Webster uses the following related words for treasure: blessing, Godsend, goody, windfall and valuable. I think of Love and Life Natural Family […]

READ MORE: The Hidden Treasure – The Gift of Life, By Sr. Cornelia Udoka, MMM

Stamp Collecting

Is it still worth collecting stamps for the missions in a digital world?  Yes, definitely. Stamp collecting is among the most popular pastimes in the world. It has been called “the hobby of kings”.  As we are curious by nature, it is easy to understand why many collectors take an […]

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New MMMs – First Professions

  Four new MMMs made their First Profession of Vows this year after completing their formation programme in the International Novitiate in Ibadan, Nigeria. Each one comes from a different background and life experience, but all were attracted to serving the poor and needy, using their gifts and talents. Let […]

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Celebrating 1952

This year we celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth in England, so it is a good time to look back at 1952 in the MMM world and see what was happening then. Fire in Drogheda: On February 13th, 1952, the Novitiate in Beechgrove, opened in 1941, was destroyed by […]

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Bread for Breakfast

Sr. Jacinta Ugonma Mahakwe MMM The Medical Missionaries of Mary live and work in Salvador – Bahia, Brazil. Since 2000, we have been working in a lower income, peripheral area of the city. It has a predominantly Afro-Brazilian descendant population with more than 90% black/persons of colour. The neighbourhood is […]

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Rebuilding Hope

By Sr. Odette Nahayo MMM One day I was facilitating a programme for the needy elderly people in our community in Wau, South Sudan, and a young woman, whose name I came to know later as Fatima, came in and sat in the corner. She had a child on her […]

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Sack Gardening and Food Security

by Sr. Cecilia Kanulor Torugbene mission in southern Nigeria has helped us to discover new and creative ways to live and survive in the climate of this mission. Growing plants and vegetables in sacks is one of them. When we MMMs arrived, we had great difficulty in finding a particular […]

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Victims’ Voices Lead the Way

Many people still think that slavery is something that existed long ago and far away. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. Rising numbers of especially women and girls are trapped in the vicious cycle of human trafficking each year. It does not appear to be a trend that is […]

READ MORE: Victims’ Voices Lead the Way

Dareda – Passing on the Healing Charism

Moira Brehony AMMM tells the story of Dareda Hospital in Tanzania, run by MMM Sisters between 1948 and 2000. When MMM withdrew, it left the Associates to maintain the spirit of Mother Mary and of the healing charism. This has continued right up to the present. Dareda Hospital was opened […]

READ MORE: Dareda – Passing on the Healing Charism

Two years of Pandemic

Since March 2020, most of the world has been facing the Covid-19 pandemic. Some countries have been badly hit, such as the USA with over a million deaths, and some countries are reporting very few numbers. For example, the Republic of Benin has reported only 27,000 cases with 163 deaths. […]

READ MORE: Two years of Pandemic