by Nadia Ramoutar MMM Communications Coordinator 17.10.2022 Not a week goes by that I don’t feel honoured to read the stories of our MMM Sisters at work in the missions. Today, I have reviewed a large amount of stories about girls and women who […]
READ MORE: The Importance of Storytelling
by Sr. Eilis Weber MMM Ireland 15.10.2022 Why do you stay in Religious Life? What gives you hope? Those two questions perplexed me, as I remembered my teenage hopes and dreams and how the idea of becoming a religious frequently passed through […]
READ MORE: Why Stay?
by Sr. Cecily Bourdillon MMM Ireland 13.10.2022 I was privileged to first meet Mother Mary Martin, Foundress of the Medical Missionaries of Mary (MMM), in my home country, Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. One day I received a phone call. The […]
READ MORE: My Memories of Mother Mary Martin
by Sr. Margaret Anne Meyer MMM U.S.A. 11.10.2022 At last, I found you! These were the words of greeting as Sister Madeleine Le Blanc met me in South Station in Boston. I had not known my mother […]
READ MORE: Early Days in MMM USA
Computer Missionaries by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM Ireland 09.10.2022 This month, October, is the month of the Missions. Traditionally this meant men and women travelling to far off places and ministering to those who had not yet heard the Gospel message. I, […]
READ MORE: Computer Missionaries
by Sr. Celestina Aganyi MMM Nigeria/Kenya 07.10.2022 I am a third-year nursing student. As a foreign student, studying at Daystar University, Nairobi, life has been rewarding although not without challenges. Besides being a peaceful, calm and accommodating people of all tribes, nations and […]
READ MORE: Maternity Experience in Kenya
Happy Birthday to the MMM Blog! by Nadia Ramoutar MMM Communications Coordinator Ireland 05.10.2022 When I was hired to be the Communications Coordinator for the MMMs, my first focus was to […]
READ MORE: What is a Blog?
Mission from a Cloister by Sr. Prisca Ovat, MMM Kenya 03.10.2022 The missionary way of life is not reserved for a particular kind of people. Although the word “mission” implies “being sent”, one can be sent to a distant land or next door. Another […]
READ MORE: Mission from a Cloister
Mission Sunday by Sr. Jo Anne Kelly MMM Ireland 01.10.2022 Recently I did a retreat in a house which was located in wide open countryside in a most beautiful setting. Each morning I went out the front door and stood to admire that beautiful scene. A green […]
READ MORE: Mission Sunday
Getting Ready for Christmas in September Oddly enough, we are inspired about what to do in the future by reading what MMMs did in the past. This year, Sr Sheila and I got a big pile of past MMM Publications and read what Mother Mary used to do to spread […]
READ MORE: Getting Ready for Christmas in September