by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM Ireland 22.03.2025 I am sure you are like me – you do not like going to […]
READ MORE: A Visit to the Doctor
by Silvia Angel, Early Intervention Educator Ireland 21.03.2025 Today, Friday, we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day to honour and recognise the incredible people with Down syndrome in our lives. […]
READ MORE: World Down Syndrome Day: A Personal Reflection
by Sr. Rita Kelly MMM Ireland 19.03.2025 Hope in him, hold firm and take heart, Hope in the Lord! Psalm 26. This is a quote […]
READ MORE: Moments of Hope in Lent
by Sr. Margaret Anne Meyer MMM USA 15.03.2025 It seemed like such a flurry. Returning from my father’s funeral in New York and venturing to the […]
READ MORE: Ugandan Experience – Part 1: A Dream Come True
by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM Ireland 12.03.2025 As we celebrate 50 years since Mother Mary’s death this year, I have been finding small nuggets of gold among the many […]
READ MORE: God is in the Noise
by Josephine Namutebi AMMM Uganda 09.03.2025 In John 14:27, Jesus tells us: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, […]
READ MORE: The Only Way to Heal is to Be Healed
by Nadia Ramoutar MMM Communications Coordinator Ireland 08.03.2025 It would make me so happy if we didn’t need to have another International Women’s Day. If things were going so much better for women that we […]
READ MORE: International Women’s Day 2025. What are we Celebrating?
by Mary Essiet Nigeria 05.03.2025 I think people do not share enough about hearing a “yes” from God. We often hear […]
READ MORE: God saying Yes and No
by Nadia Ramoutar MMM Communications Coordinator Ireland 01.03.2023 I am such a lover of words that I receive a Dictionary word of the day. Often it is one I already know or have […]
READ MORE: Word of the Day
by Sr. Sheila Devane MMM Ireland 26.02.2025 In Ireland, as in some other countries, there is a special devotion to the Child of Prague. Brides seeking a fine day for their wedding traditionally put […]
READ MORE: Between Two Storms