by Jo Anne Kelly MMM Ireland 15.11.2021 The sun was just rising, shortly after 6 am when I set off from Ibadan in West Nigeria to attend a formation team meeting in Urua Akpan in the East of the country, a 10-12-hour journey depending on the roads and the traffic. […]
READ MORE: The Journey
by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM Ireland 12.11.2021 The other day I noticed this tree out on our front lawn. It struck me as a lovely image of the Sisters inside the house. It is in its autumnal stage, as we are. I am one of the youngsters at 72! But […]
by Sr. Helen Aherne MMM Ireland 11.11.2021 I first met Charles at a meeting organised by the Town Council in Masaka, Uganda. He wanted to do something for PWDs (persons with disabilities).
READ MORE: People with Disabilities
by Sr. Sheila Campbell, MMM Ireland 07.11.2021 This coming week is going to be hectic. I won’t bore you with details but it will be one of those periods when routine disappears and life is suddenly full of many tasks and many new people. Then, at the end of the […]
READ MORE: Busy Week
by Sr. Prisca Ovat, MMM Kenya 05.11.2021 “Like the experience of the disciples on their way to Emmaus, whose hearts were burning as Jesus explained the scriptures, so too my heart inflamed meditating on the Lord’s prayer. And for the first time in my life, I felt I had only […]
READ MORE: All in the “Our Father”
by Sr. Noeleen Mooney, MMM Ireland 04.11.2021 My work in a mission hospital laboratory was far removed from the high technology of auto-analyzers and computer print-outs. Diagnosing intestinal and blood parasites microscopically formed a large part of the workload. The highest cause of mortality and morbidity is malaria. So may die, […]
READ MORE: Blood and Water
by Lisa Murphy, MMM Archivist 02.11.2021 An introduction to MMM ArchivesIn July of 2021, I took up the mantle of Congregational Archivist for the Medical Missionaries of Mary. However more often than not, when I tell people that I am an archivist, I am met with blank stares. I […]
READ MORE: Recording the Past and inspiring the Future
by Sr. Prisca Ovat, MMM Kenya 28.10.2021 That space appears really incomprehensible to most mortals. It is fully grasped by the one who knows all – YHWH. Yet, to the one tested and proven Has ownership and wisdom been given to access – the […]
READ MORE: In the Sacred Space
by Sr. Noeleen Mooney, MMM Ireland 24.10.2021 The Healing Charism is a gift I have been given. It comes with responsibility.It involves Coaxing – that those who feel they can’t, because of age or infirmity, may discover that they can, with just a little help. […]
READ MORE: Healing Charism with the Elderly
by Sr. Sheila Campbell, MMM Ireland 21.10.2021 This morning I went out walking at my usual early time. It was still dark, but that wasn’t the problem. What hit me like a wet blanket as I opened the door was a dense, misty fog. I immediately remembered the fogs of […]