MMM Blog

Riding into the New Year

By Sr. Prisca Ovat MMM  Kenya   10.01.2022 A new year may sometimes mean trying out new things. It was nothing short of reality here with the experience of bicycling. This new adventure brought memories of the early days when sisters cycled to school and work. The motivation behind this […]

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Happy New Year from the MMM Archive

by Lisa Murphy    MMM Archivist    08.01.2022 On the 1st of January 1940 Mother Mary Martin wrote from the Novitiate in Collon, County Louth, to Sister Mary Magdalen O’Rourke at Rosemount in County Dublin. This was a period of change for MMM who were preparing to move their Novitiate […]

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The Dawn Chorus

by Sr. Noeleen Mooney, MMM    Ireland     07. 01.2022 “The world began this morning, God-dreamt and full of birds.” So, Patrick Kavanagh tells us – and he was a poet – with his own special way with words.  God-dreamt and full of birds.  How beautiful and true.  In so […]

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by Sr. Maria Borda, MMM  Malta/Tanzania    06.01.2022 The Magi- Astrologers described in the Gospel ( Mt 2:1-12) had to be a little crazy leaving the security of their homeland to venture forth into a strange country presided over by a mad king like Herod, in search of a Divine […]

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Guided by a Star

By Theresa McDonnell Fristrom AMMM        Ireland       05.01.2022 I recently read one of Fr. Richard Rohr’s sermons on the Feast of the Epiphany. His main theme was the universal symbol of being guided by a star. My reaction was subtle yet strong; a reminder; an invitation […]

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Arrival in Africa

by Sr. Mary Doonan, MMM    Ireland   04.01.2022 The Gospel reading for Mass for Thursday 4 January 1980 was “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor” (Lk4).  That day,  I was about to embark on my maiden mission […]

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New Year – Same You?

by Nadia Ramoutar    MMM Communications Coordinator     Ireland      03.01.2022  Almost every year once the over indulgence of the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations are wrapped up, the next tradition to face is the making and often the break of New Year’s Resolutions.  Many people are so busy […]

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A Special New Year in Malawi

By Sr. Cecily Bourdillon    Zimbabwe/ Ireland   02.01.2022 I had the great joy and privilege of being missioned in Malawi for 19 years. Malawi is a small land-locked country with a population of nearly twenty million, in the centre of Africa and has the name of ‘The Warm Heart of […]

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Christmas – A Memorable Season

by Sr. Josephine Joseph Ezior, MMM    Nigeria  01.01.2022 Christmas is a significant event in Nigeria and the most exciting periods of the year for most Nigerians. Everyone, both young and old, long for it. It is a season of change in the environment, change from the routine meals and […]

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Christmas in Kenya

by Sr. Liana de Jesus   Brazil/ Kenya   31.12.2021 During this past year we have experienced many situations that have influenced our lives in one way or the other. Events around the world,  living pos-Covid19, has challenged our creativity and has helped us survive in many countries. Our compassion, […]

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