by Mary Coffey AMMM Ireland 10.06.2022 A newborn baby is expected to reach certain key developmental milestones. One such milestone is that a baby should “smile with meaning” at six weeks. That means a smile that can focus, and it is a cause […]
by Sr, Ese Idogen MMM Nigeria 08.06.2022 Just recently, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement celebrated its one hundred and fifty-nine years of foundation. I decided to look through the pages of some of the national societies on the internet. When […]
READ MORE: #BeHumanKind: With the Red Cross
by Sr. Jo Anne Kelly MMM Ireland 06.06.2022 Vocation –A call from God, Everyone gets that call. In the scripture for Vocation Sunday we read: “The Lord said I have made you a Light for the nations” Who would not want to be a shining light […]
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by unknown MMM author Undated Ireland 04.06.2022 ‘There’s no place like home’, or ‘home is where the heart is’ are expressions we regularly hear and use. Yet when Mary set out to visit Elizabeth she left her own home. The bewildering news she had herself received and the news […]
READ MORE: Being at Home
by Sr. Sheila Campbell, MMM Ireland 02.06.2022 Here I am, sitting in my armchair and just looking out the window. What do I see? Just an ordinary street scene. There is a man from the house opposite unloading boxes from his car. A woman and her two small children pass […]
READ MORE: Looking out the window
by Sr. Prisca Ovat MMM Kenya 31.05.2022 Awakening to this beautiful day, and conscious of the great day which we celebrate, a day without which none would be here, we pondered on an invitation from the Congregational Leader to “ dream of where we will be 85 […]
READ MORE: Feast of the Visitation – MMM @ 85
by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM Ireland 29.05.2022 This morning I came across a quote from Meister Eckhart: “If the only prayer you say in your entire life is ‘thank you,’ that is enough. I stopped to look at those words because I am aware of how much in […]
READ MORE: Thank you
by Sr. Liana de Jesus MMM Brazil/Kenya 27.05.2022 The international MMM postulancy community in Nairobi, Kenya is composed of ten young women who are at the beginning stages of learning what religious life is all about. It is a time of discernment, when each young […]
READ MORE: Ten Young Women
by Mary Coffey AMMM Ireland 25.05. 2022 Glencairn Cistercian Abbey in Co Waterford, Ireland is my favourite place to respond to God’s invitation to “come away to some lonely place and rest for a while.” It is a place of gentle silence but […]
READ MORE: Shepherding the Shepherds
by an early MMM author c.1987 Ireland 23.05.2022 This is the story of a house, a very special house for the Medical Missionaries of Mary. A house whose name is heard far and wide. “Rosemount” was the first home in Ireland for Mother Mary Martin and […]
READ MORE: Rosemount