by Sr. Margaret Anne Meyer Meyer MMM U.S.A. 08.09.2022 Sometime ago, I wrote about my love for children and what I had learned from the United States Catholic Program for Safeguarding children, called VIRTUS. Since then, I have been getting monthly updates […]
READ MORE: Protecting Children – 2
by Vera Grant AMMM Ireland 06.09.2022 As the euphoria of having booked my dream holiday started to fade it was replaced with a gnawing sense of anxiety. It wasn’t the holiday although trying to see three cities in three different countries in […]
READ MORE: The Ever Changing world of Technology
by Nadia Ramoutar MMM Communications Coordinator Ireland 04.09.2022 When I was a little girl, I loved back to school time. I think it may be my obsession with new pens and paper that was at the heart of it. Perhaps it was the chaos of my […]
READ MORE: Back to School
by Eilín Teeling, AMMM Ireland 02.09.2022 St Teresa of Avila in Spain (1515-82) famously wrote that: “Christ has no body on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world. Yours are […]
READ MORE: Hands and Eyes
by Sr. Margaret Anne Meyer MMM U.S.A. 31.08.2022 Recently, I received an invitation from the Faith Leaders of an ecumenical group to join in the annual Christian celebration with the ecumenical family around the world […]
READ MORE: Listen to the Voice of Creation
by Theresa McDonnell Friström AMMM Ireland 29.08.2022 I like spending time with friends because it enriches my soul. This was written in June 2022. , Two Anamchairde, Two funerals, One in a Catholic Church, In Wicklow One in an Islamic Mosque, In Dublin On a […]
READ MORE: The Shape of a Lovely Day
by Sr. Cecily Bourdillion MMM Ireland 27.08.2022 I begin every day thanking God for the many gifts showered upon me – and one that is so very precious is that of hearing. What would my life be like without music? I love […]
READ MORE: Hearing and Music
by Sr. Jo Anne Kelly MMM Ireland 25.08.2022 A suggestion this month is to write about my favourite thing, favourite anything. There is so much goodness and beauty in life I have so many favourites. But I do love the wind and I love […]
READ MORE: A Windy Day
by Sr. Liana de Jesus MMM Brazil/Kenya 23.08.2022 Recently I have been thinking about the things that bring me great happiness. Today, what gives me joy and happiness is to recognize the deep meaning of religious life. I accept this in […]
READ MORE: What makes me happy
by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM Ireland 21.08.2022 Many people nowadays understand the term “rewilding”. At least it has become popular with an increase in ecological awareness and sensitivity to biodiversity. One definition of rewilding is: “conservation efforts aimed at restoring and protecting natural processes and […]
READ MORE: Rewilding the Heart