Quinn, Sr. Margaret Teresa

Quinn, Sr. Margaret Teresa

sr_margaret_teresa_quinnNationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 396
D.O.B. 09.02.1934
First Profession: 08.09.1957
Died: 12.09.1989 Aged: 55 years

On 8 December 1954, Margaret Teresa, from Co. Tyrone, joined MMM in Drogheda.

For many years she was known as Sr. M. Nives. Her gifts lay in the culinary department and nothing in that line seemed to be trouble to her. Her ministry was spent mainly in Ireland: in Clonmel, Drogheda and Dublin, where she attended the Grafton Academy for two years. She also spent three years in Abakaliki, Nigeria.

She was of a very quiet and happy disposition and was ever ready to help where needed.

She suffered greatly during a long, lingering illness but accepted it courageously and with a smile. She was very appreciative of frequent trips to Clogherhead, Co. Louth, where she loved to look at the seals. Fr. Cafferty, SPS, then chaplain in Drogheda, organised these trips for her.

She died and is buried in Drogheda.