Davis, Sr. Gertrude

Sr Gertrude Mary DavisNationality: British
Congregational Register No: 08
D.O.B. 20.09.1912
First Profession: 18.04.1941
Died: 03.01.1996 Aged: 83 years

Gertrude, a Londoner, was our first MMM from England. She entered the then infant congregation on 30 September 1937 and was among the first group of novices in Collon. She had been a member of the Grail beforehand.


Sister Opportuna was born in Bashanet, Tanzania in 1935. She completed her early education in Tanzania and joined the Medical Missionaries of Mary in 1960.
After profession she trained as a nurse-midwife in Drogheda, Ireland and completed a nurses’ course in tropical medicine in London. Her first assignment was to Tanzania, where she first spent three years as a staff nurse in Makiungu, followed by two years as matron. After training in nursing education Sister Opportuna was a nursing tutor in Kabanga Hospital for twelve years.


Sr Anne Curtin MMMSister Anne (Denis) Curtin was born in Dublin, the only daughter of her parents, Catherine and Denis.  She had two brothers, Neil and Denis, who both died before her.  She attended all-Irish schools and was a fluent Gaelic speaker her whole life.  After leaving school she worked in a bank for three years.  She joined MMM in September 1952, taking the religious name of Sister Denis. She reverted to her baptismal name in the 1970’s. After profession, she trained as a nurse in Drogheda and then specialized in ophthalmic nursing in Moorfields Hospital in England.


Marie Stella CunninghamSister Marie Stella was born in Kinsalebeg, Waterford in 1925 and received her early education in Waterford and Cork. She trained as a nurse in the Mater Hospital, Dublin, before joining the Medical Missionaries of Mary in 1951. After profession she trained as a nurse tutor in Edinburgh, Scotland. She was a theatre and casualty sister and was assigned to the nursing school in Drogheda as principal tutor in 1956.

Sister Eilis Weber did her nurse training in the IMTH while Marie Stella was in charge of the school of nursing there. Eilis wrote, ‘She ran the school with fairness and firmness, creating an atmosphere where each one was valued and loved”. 


Sr. M. Felicity CunninghamNationality: Scottish
Congregational Register No: 288
D.O.B. 17.06.1915
First Profession: 21.12.1953
Died: 06.05.1987 Aged: 72 years

After many years of searching for a spiritual home, which involved exploring Buddhism, the Quakers, the Salvation Army, etc., Mary (Oliver) Cunningham from Duns in Scotland finally found her home in Catholicism and entered MMM in March 1951.


Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 231
D.O.B. 16.09.1925
First Profession: 17.03.1952
Died: 24.06.1999 Aged: 73 years

Baptised Kathleen, from Carlow, Sr. Mercedes entered MMM on 15 August 1949. From early years, after her profession in 1952, one might say she entered the diplomatic service.


Sr. M. Senan CrowleyNationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 29
D.O.B. 05.06.1919
First Profession: 08.09.1942
Died: 28.03.1978 Aged: 58 years
Eileen, from Co. Clare, was already a partly qualified nurse when she entered on 6 January 1940. She completed her training at the Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Dublin, after her profession.


Sr. M. Frances CroninNationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 14
D.O.B. 02.06.1906
First Profession: 17.03.1941
Died: 17.01.2000 Aged: 93 years
Sr. M. Frances was the first widow to enter MMM. Her maiden name was Ellen Costelloe and her husband was John P. Cronin. She was married only a few years before becoming a widow in 1937. She entered MMM on 15 August 1938. She had met Mother Mary at a missionary exhibition in Cork during her midwifery training, and that was it!


Sister Sheila was born Julia Cotter in Cork City in 1934. Called ‘Judy’ at home, she came from a family of three girls and two boys. Her mother died when she was a teenager and her father’s sister looked after the family. She completed her secondary education with the Presentation Sisters in Cork and then did a commercial course.

Sheila worked as a cashier, bookkeeper and medical secretary in various sections of Cork County Council before joining MMM in 1962. After profession she trained in laboratory technology in Ireland and England.


Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 463
D.O.B. 15.03.1901
First Profession: 26.04.1960
Died: 10.12.1974 Aged: 73 years

Cecilia Costelloe, from Cork and Dublin, was a well-qualified and experienced nurse when she entered on 3 October 1957. She had been matron in the Carmelite Boys’ College in Terenure, and they much regretted her leaving.
