Sister Mary (Canisius) was born in Galway, Ireland in 1929 and grew up in Tulsk, Co. Roscommon. She attended school in Tulsk and Athlone before joining MMM in 1948. Her sister, Christine, a qualified anaesthetist, also joined MMM, in April 1964.
After profession Mary went to the USA. MMM was just becoming established there and she was part of the first community in Boston, MA, which later moved to Winchester. She completed training as a nurse at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Boston in 1954.
Mary Philomena Jones was born in Loughnavalley, Co. Westmeath. After obtaining an MSc and a Higher Diploma in Education at UCD, she worked in Dublin and was in charge of a unit that made penicillin preparations at P.C. Cahill & Co. She developed a formula for penicillin ointment, which was an important breakthrough at that time.
Mary entered MMM in 1946 and her first assignments were assistant novice mistress and guest mistress.
Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 700
D.O.B. 07.10.1926
First Profession: 03.10.1966
Died: 30.10.1997 Aged: 70 years
From Tulsk, Co. Roscommon, and with a sister, Mary (then Canisius) Jones, already a MMM, Christine entered MMM on 3 April 1964 as a fully qualified doctor and anaesthetist. She worked for several years in the IMTH as medical superintendent. Mother Mary had great confidence in her.
Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 38
D.O.B. 11.12.1900
First Profession: 02.07.1943
Died: 27.09.1976 Aged: 75 years
Agnes Johnston was a convert to Catholicism when she entered in Rosemount on 15 August 1940.
Nationality: British
Congregational Register No. 328
D.O.B. 10.12.1920
First Profession 08.09.1955
Died: 17.02.2003 Aged: 82 years
Catherine Jennings came from Lancashire in the north of England. She was the second of three daughters. Following her education, she worked for some years as a clerk typist before starting nurse training when she was twenty-one. Once qualified, she worked as a staff nurse and later as a district nurse in Lancashire.
Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 137
D.O.B. 29.08.1912
First Profession: 08.09.1947
Died: 18.08.1978 Aged: 66 years
A native of Farranthomas, Co. Cork, Sheila entered on 8 December 1944. She had trained as a midwife and after first profession was assigned to Nigeria, where she worked for many years in Anua and some of the out-stations, especially Akpa Utong, (founder member).
Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 248
D.O.B. 06.10.1931
First Profession: 07.09.1952
Died: 18.01.1998 Aged: 66 years
Mary Hunt from near Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo, entered MMM on 1 March 1950, having a few years previously worked with the Mayo County Council.
Nationality: British
Congregational Register No.
First Profession 18.01.1975
Died: 10.11.2009 Aged: 70 years
Kathleen Mary Howard was born in Derby, England in 1939. She had one brother and one sister. Mary went to primary school in Derby and when the family moved to Southport, she continued her education at Notre Dame Grammar School, where she passed her GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels.
Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 239
D.O.B. 24.09.1909
First Profession: 17.03.1952
Died: 28.05.1990 Aged: 81 years
Sheila Hogan, from Dublin, entered MMM in September 1949. She was forty years of age and already a qualified nurse and radiographer.
Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 482
D.O.B. 27.08.1923
First Profession: 06.05.1961
Died: 04.11.2008 Aged: 85 years
Bridget Hogan came from a large Tipperary farming family and was one of eight girls and five boys. She was educated at the Ursuline Convent in Thurles, where she matriculated and took her leaving certificate.