McDermott, Sr. M. Gratia

McDermott, Sr. M. Gratia

Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 329
D.O.B. 22.08.1922
First Profession: 26.04.1955
Died: 03.03.2000 Aged: 77 years
Mona McDermott, from Co. Sligo entered MMM on 15 August 1952. She was already a qualified nurse and had been staffing for six years, so her nursing ability was quickly called on for the IMTH.

In 1962 she did midwifery training and was then assigned to the Clinica Mediterranea in Naples, where she ministered for eleven years.

On her return to Ireland, she studied for a diploma in religious studies. She then resumed duty on the staff of the IMTH until her retirement in 1990.

Even after retirement, she kept contact and had many friends among the staff there.

Sr. Gratia was an elegant lady, the epitome of grace and finesse. She was an excellent nurse, wholly devoted to her ministry to the sick. She is well remembered in IMTH by both staff and students.

Once retired, Sr. Gratia studied chiropody and practised this for some years. She moved from Beechgrove to live in Greenbank in Mell, Drogheda.

She was regarded as a kind and caring person, with a well-developed creative side to her personality. She loved art, music, flower arranging and sewing, and was frequently seen at the sewing machine remodelling clothes she had procured from the ‘local boutique’. Gratia was also a member of the Old Drogheda Historical Society for some years and enjoyed attending the lectures and going on outings with the society. Her family meant a great deal to her. She kept in contact with the younger generation, which they appreciated very much. Her last retreat was a momentous one for her and seemed to open a new vision of life that energised her during the remainder of her journey.

Gratia died very suddenly while chatting with one of her community after the evening TV news. Even though resuscitation was immediately started, she did not revive. It was a sudden and unexpected death for her community, but it would seem that Gratia herself was well prepared for her final journey.

She is buried in Drogheda.

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