by Sr. Sheila Campbell, MMM Ireland/ Brazil 30.12.2021 For several years I lived in Salvador, a seaside city in the Northeast of Brazil in Bahia State. New Year was a special time for us as it was a time to mix and mingle with people of other religious traditions. New […]
READ MORE: New Year in Salvador, Brazil
by Sr. Margaret Anne Meyer, MMM USA 29.12.2021 Having celebrated Christmas in Ireland, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, how can I think of something special peculiar to the United States. There is a basic longing in our hearts for the coming of Jesus. Mother Mary knew this through and […]
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by Sr. Jo Anne Kelly, MMM Ireland 28.12.2021 We were two MMM communities in Eleta, Nigeria. The novices and I were in one and, across the road, were the professed sisters who took care of St. Mary’s Hospital. Between the two, and on our side of the road, was […]
by Sr. Genevieve van Waesberghe MMM Tanzania 27.12.2021 As a missionary, I owe a lot to the Women of Africa. They have opened my heart to recognize in day-to-day life, God, our Emmanuel who is always coming in often humble and unexpected ways, especially where there is great suffering […]
READ MORE: Christmas Memories from East Africa
by Nancy Hinds, MMM Associate, U.S.A. 26.12. 2021 Way back in 1981, I had been given the gift to care for terminally ill patients in my home. Each one had a life’s story. Some were leaving the world too soon with young family grieving. Others were sharing a lifetime of […]
READ MORE: The Memory Tree
by Sr. Cecily Bourdillon MMM Zimbabwe/Ireland 25.12.2021 Celebrating Christmas on a farm in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) remains for me a very special childhood memory. Christmas, in the middle of Southern Africa, came when the hot, rainy season was converting the dry, brown landscape to a lush green. We were blessed […]
READ MORE: A Family Christmas in Zimbabwe
by Nadia Ramoutar, MMM Communications Coordinator Ireland 24.12.2021 There are gifts that life brings us in the most unexpected ways. When I applied for the role of the Communications Coordinator for the Medical Missionaries of Mary, the deadline for application was 22nd December, 2020. I recall thinking how close this […]
READ MORE: The Gift of Working for the MMMs
by Eilín Teeling AMMM Ireland 24.12.2021 We spend four weeks preparing for Christ’s coming, a time of hope, to find joy and a glimmer of light in our lives. Advent ends after dusk, before Evening Prayer, on Christmas Eve. Jesus who is born, is the Word made […]
READ MORE: Christmas Candle
by Sr. Mary Doonan MMM Ireland 23.12.2021 In 1980 I spent my first Christmas In Africa, the memories of which will never leave me. I was at St. John’s Hospital, Mzuzu in the North of Malawi. It was a 200 -bed hospital and Nurse Training School attached.
READ MORE: Christmas in Malawi
by Sr. Kerisfon Clement Ekanem Republic of Benin 23.12.2021 Chris kindle? I first heard this word in the Novitiate. What is it all about? The explanation was interesting and captivating, “pick a secret friend, pray for her and a day will come when you will exchange gifts with each other.”
READ MORE: Chris Kindle?