MMM Blog

Lighthouse Memories

by Sr. Maureen O’Sullivan rsm        Ireland                          18.09.2024 My father was a fourth-generation lighthouse keeper. His father was drowned off the Bull Rock in Cork but all his sons joined the Irish Lights. I suppose I […]

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Lesson from the Chameleon

by Sr. Keresifon Ekanem MMM                            Nigeria          15.09.2024 I arrived at a new environment in Malawi for a two months’ program sometime last year, 2023. It was a friendly environment with a beautiful landscape […]

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Accepting a Time for Everything

by Nadia Ramoutar  MMM Communications Coordinator                Ireland                 11.09.2024 This summer I went to several funerals for the parents of my friends which was a surreal experience to have so many over a few months. At many […]

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What’s So Special About Nursing?

by Sr. Úna Ní Riain MMM (1931-2022)                         Ireland                        08.09.2024 There is tremendous satisfaction in caring for other people, especially at a time when they have special needs. Nursing […]

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Early MMM Stories – Living with Pets

MMM Publications 1944                          Ireland                       04.09.2024 No house of our Congregation is complete without a cat or a dog and in Africa we have cats and dogs and other […]

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Immortal Diamond

by Sr. Monica Prendergast, MMM                                     Ireland/Uganda                                01.09.2024 We buried YOZEFU MARIA KAWUNGU this afternoon in a grassy area […]

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Facing the Storm

by Nadia Ramoutar  MMM Communications Coordinator      Ireland     28.08.2024 Sometimes a problem seems so massive, that apathy become our only avenue of response. Recently, it was revealed that there is finally a vaccine that will be administered in Sub-Saharan Africa to protect small children from dying of malaria. […]

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Intern Year Obstetrics – Part Two

by Sr. Margaret Anne Meyer MMM                U.S.A.                                      25.08.2024 I would like to tell you a story of what took place the first time I assisted […]

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Intern Year Obstetrics – Part One

by Sr. Margaret Anne Meyer MMM                          U.S.A.                         21.08.2024 Christmas was soon approaching, and the completion of my six months medical internship was in sight. This was to […]

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Where is Home?

by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM                                          Ireland                         18.08.2024 I come from Belfast in Northern Ireland. But like so many of […]

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