MMM Blog

Fresh Air and Open Doors

by Sr. Sheila Campbell, MMM                       Ireland                                             26.07.2024 During the Covid-19 pandemic we all had a heightened awareness of the […]

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Fair Trade, not Free Trade

By Sr. Siobhan O’Keefe SHJM                                      Ireland                               24.07.2024 The Gospel of Jesus has much to teach us about workplace […]

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Mothers of the People of God

by Sr. Brigid McDonagh MMM (1935 – 2014)                Ireland/Brazil                   22.07.2024 First published by MMM in 2000 My work is with the women of Brasilândia, on the periphery of São Paulo, Brazil.  We have a regional […]

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The Heart of Wonder

by Nadia Ramoutar  MMM Communications Coordinator                        Ireland       20.07.2024 The Irish poet and writer, John O’Donohue once wrote “May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.” One of the aspects of […]

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In a Bad Mood

by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM                   Ireland                                 18.07.2024 The other day, when I sat down at my desk to work, the first two emails put me in a […]

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All the Prayers – and some good example

by Sr. Sheila Devane MMM                                    Ireland                 16.07.2024 Recently our  Sisters had a heritage tour here in Ireland.   They  visited places associated with Mother Mary’s life and […]

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Church Art – “Table of the Seven Deadly Sins”

by Eilin Teeling  AMMM                                             Ireland                            14.07.2024 I have had a wish to visit Madrid, capital of […]

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The Ambassador

by Sr. Jo Anne Kelly MMM                     Ireland       12.07.2024 For some years I held the position of Vocation Directress.  It was a very special time in my life as I met numerous beautiful, enthusiastic young women who felt God was […]

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The Death Notice

by Sr. Sheila Devane MMM                          Ireland            10.07.2024        I find myself reading death notices quite often.  Sadly, these days I now know more of the people written about than I’d choose to […]

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Keeping the Letter

by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM                        Ireland                                   08.07.2024 The other day I came across a letter I had received about twenty years ago. Why […]

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