Jones, Sr. Christine

Jones, Sr. Christine

Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 700
D.O.B. 07.10.1926
First Profession: 03.10.1966
Died: 30.10.1997 Aged: 70 years

From Tulsk, Co. Roscommon, and with a sister, Mary (then Canisius) Jones, already a MMM, Christine entered MMM on 3 April 1964 as a fully qualified doctor and anaesthetist. She worked for several years in the IMTH as medical superintendent. Mother Mary had great confidence in her.

Later, Christine was assigned to Nigeria, working in Anua and Eleta.

She was a free spirit. Her experiences before entering seemed to have given her a balance and maturity which became even more evident during her time in Africa. She was appreciative of the smallest kindness and had a wholesome sense of humour that she never lost, in spite of the ill health she suffered during her later years.

She died unexpectedly while on home leave from Ibadan and was deeply missed by her family, and her community and staff in Eleta. In Drogheda, many people still speak very highly of Christine, remembering her from her years at the hospital.

Sr. Christine is buried in Drogheda.