Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and Clinics

Hospitals and Clinics

MMM serves in four geographic regions (East Africa, West Africa, the Americas and Europe). The Sisters own or manage various hospitals, health care clinics and primary care centres. The variety of health care services provided is based on the needs of the local community. Prevention of illness and disease is as important as treatment.

Specific programmes are developed to address the needs of the local people. For example, unfortunately in East and West Africa, there are many women who suffer from Obstetric Fistula (VVF and RVF). This happens with prolonged labour in childbirth. Usually these women have had no antenatal care.

Obstetric fistula causes involuntary and often painful discharge of urine or faeces into the vaginal vault. It is a preventable condition. Treatment and rehabilitation involves surgery. It also fuels efforts in antenatal and maternity services along with raising awareness.