by Sr. Sheila Campbell MMM Ireland 14.03.2023
This morning I had a desire to write. What about? Well, I didn’t exactly know but I sat down anyway and began. Then it dawned in me that what I wanted to write about is writing itself. I enjoy writing but I am what I call as spasmodic writer. At times I wish I could be more disciplined. I hear of published authors who say that they sit down every morning whether they are in the mood or not. I admire them. I usually sit down and write when an idea becomes so itchy that I must scratch it.
I love writing things down. I think that, when I sit down to write, I calm down, sort out what is going on inside me and I leave the computer feeling much better about myself and about the world.
No wonder writing has a long history. The cave paintings of long ago were the first kind of writing. It was a way of telling stories. Long before the printing press, the monks in the monasteries were transcribing old texts and no doubt adding in their own little commentaries. We can’t help ourselves. It is a way of expressing not just ideas but emotions, dreams, plans and all the new things that we discover each day. When I was a child, I loved comics. For those of you with a British background, do you remember The Beano and The Dandy? I think that it is images and words together, which tickles the imagination even more.
I know I am not alone in MMM with the desire to write. Several Sisters contribute to the MMM Blogs. Some Sisters have had books published. I remember my brother once telling me that he wrote daily for the Jesuits for seven years. By the time he was finished, he was banging his head off the wall looking for inspiration! If I start banging my head, I will let you know ahead of time.
I suppose this blog is an invitation to write. If you take it up, you will enjoy it. I promise you!