Word of the Day

Word of the Day

by Nadia Ramoutar  MMM Communications Coordinator               Ireland                         01.03.2023

I am such a lover of words that I receive a Dictionary word of the day. Often it is one I already know or have heard but every now and then a random word pops us and I am very taken with it. Meliorism was one such word. Now, if you have not heard it before either I wouldn’t be surprised but I think it is a word that we need to use more often and to actually bring to life.

A definition of Meliorism is ‘the belief that the world tends to improve and that humans can aid in its betterment.” According to the dictionary in 1877 British novelist George Eliot wrote about it almost claiming to have invented it though it was used about 40 years before. She used it in her letters and correspondence and really did try to advocate for it. But to little avail.

It most likely has its origins in the Latin word “melior” which means “better”. Considering the condition of the world at the moment, might it be a good time to really promote the concept that humans can make a difference and are capable of doing good in the world too?
As bad as the news can be, there are ways in which we as humans have shown that we are capable of making the world better for one another. We are also capable in aiding in its betterment. This is perhaps why I love working with the MMM because I am continuously uplifted by the efforts of the MMM Sisters and what they are doing and what they have done.

Recently, I was reflecting on the work of the MMM Sisters in medicine and treating people many years ago and realised how pioneering the efforts were and continue to me. If you don’t already do so I encourage you to listen to our MMM Podcasts and read more of our blogs. In there we hear the stories of the Sisters who casually talk about the miracles they performed in dire conditions.

We are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the death of Mother Mary Martin this year and it is stunning to see how her legacy lives on in the work of the MMM missions so many years after her death. Her vision was so strong that it sustains today and her faith was so fierce.
If we can get passed the fear of the modern politics, I believe it is essential we embrace this concept that humans can be and are capable of being agents of good in our world.

As we face the darkness each day, let us find within ourselves the light to shine on – regardless.