by Eilin Teeling AMMM Ireland 28.11.2022
An ordinary laundry task led me to ponder on my blessings. I had taken a bundle of dry laundry out of my tumble dryer and started to sort out the items for folding and ironing, leaving the task of matching socks for my husband and I until last. I picked up one sock at a time, looking for its match: orange with orange, blue with blue. I stopped, looked at them, and was struck by awareness, amazed that I had taken this task for granted.
I was only able to match socks because of what lay behind: my country’s security and safety, our secure food, water and electricity supply, our home and our love, with few serious worries. The previous day, my husband and I had welcomed a Ukrainian mother and her two children into our home. Last year, she had matched her family’s socks in her home but now was living in a strangers’ home, having fled from war, leaving her husband behind. How quickly life changes, sometimes for better but for her and all other victims of war, for worse.
I hope I can live up to St Benedict’s rule that “guests are to be welcomed as Christ.” I hope I can understand the Gift that God is offering to us in our hospitality and I hope that “Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith, as we are being rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3:17). Above all, I pray for peace in the hearts of those who wage war and destruction.