by Sr. Rita Kelly MMM Ireland 19.03.2025
Hope in him, hold firm and take heart, Hope in the Lord! Psalm 26.
This is a quote from Wednesday’s Evening Prayer in the Office of the Church. For some reason it keeps going around in my head! In to-day’s world, maybe we feel that hope is in short supply. Watching the daily news one can be overwhelmed with the news of climate disasters, wars and conflicts.
One of the conflicts, that saddens me is the news of war in Goma (Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo). In 1994, I volunteered to go to Goma in response to the emergency crisis in Rwanda. Refugees were pouring in from Rwanda to Goma. I was assigned as a midwife to the Refugee Camp.
One day comes to my mind. It was a very wet day, tropical rain pouring down. We were struggling to keep the muck and rain out of the tents. A lady was in labour. She was on a mat on the floor. I was praying she would deliver while we were in the Refugee Camp, because for security reasons we had to leave at night. After some hours, a healthy baby was born. First, the happiness on the mother’s face. A poet captures the scene by saying “The fond look from the mother’s eyes, with the newly born she holds with joy”. When the word of the birth of the child went around the camp, many of the volunteers and staff took a moment to come and rejoice with us. A moment of hope, a moment of grace.
Mother Nature is a great teacher. After a long dark winter, what pleasure and moments of joy we experience when we see the first snowdrops peeping through the barren ground. Gradually the crocuses, daffodils, the buds in the trees appear. Moments that lighten the heart. We look forward to the longer days and summer days.
“To be at the mowing of the meadows, the cutting of the corn, feel the fullness on the senses. Oh, the suddenness and wonder of a love that’s newly born.”
As a missionary order we experience the generosity of people, through finance, volunteers, staff and encouragement. But also, in our daily comings and goings we experience the kindness of people, the smile, the chat.
During these Lenten days may we remember the moments of hope and joy we receive daily. Lent is a preparation for the great celebration of Easter, the Risen Christ. We are journeying with Christ in His passion and death, but, also, with faith, hope and the knowledge that we will experience, participate and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. May you have the blessing of the Lenten Season and the Peace of the Risen Christ.
(Quotes from Mystical Path with Poetry by Peter Owens)