January is a Blank Slate

January is a Blank Slate

by Nadia Ramoutar  MMM Communications Coordinator             Ireland            01.01.2025

At the end of December, I asked my wonderful team in the Communications Department to pause and reflect on the year gone by to see what they were most proud of and what brought them joy. Their responses were moving and as Sr Sheila wrote “Where do I begin…”. We are so fortunate to love our work so much and to truly enjoy working together for the astounding MMM Sisters.

There is a wonderful Broadway Musical Song called Seasons of Love. The lyrics say “how can you measure a year?” In minutes? In laughter? But the song recommends that we measure a year in moments of love. Imagine if we can decide in January to deliberately fill our upcoming year with moments of love. We can drop our new years’ resolution of our ill-fated exercise or diet – and decide that in 2025 we will be the most loving we have ever been.

Imagine going to work with people who have committed to being the most loving they can be? Imagine if you family decide this too? Imagine if your doctor, neighbours and people in your community did this for the whole year, how would our world be different?

What would your day look like this January filled with moments of love? Would you be kinder or more compassionate? Would you be more gentle in your thoughts and actions? I hope that you will give this challenge a consideration and decide to make it your focus for the New Year up ahead.

For me, I resolve to dig deep within myself and find a way to be more loving than I currently am. I am not sure how that will feel or what it will look like but I think it is an effort worth making. I invite you to take this challenge too.

In a world filled with people being their most loving selves would we have war? Or Hunger? Or abuse? Would these awful human atrocities just melt away? Would we have no desire to dominate, destroy or harm another?

When we look at the darkness in our world, it is easy to feel fear and to close our hearts just a little bit to protect ourselves in this reality. While I am a realist, I am willing to sprinkle more love on my fear to see if it dissolves it some.

I wish you the very best year possible. Later in the year when I ask my team to reflect again, I hope I can tell them I loved every moment of my year.