by Mary Essiet Nigeria 05.03.2025
I think people do not share enough about hearing a “yes” from God. We often hear stories of those who long for a “yes” but instead receive a “no.” Have you ever desperately wanted to clear your doubts on something by wishing that God would say no to you, but His response was a yes? Oh dear!
I feel that most times when people want God to say yes, it’s often because they already feel that the answer would be a ‘no’ but hope within them that He’ll say yes. So it appears easier to handle the outcome because it was expected.
However, when people want God to say ‘no’, the situation always seems different. You know that feeling when you sense something significant but try to run away from it? At that moment, you begin to doubt the authenticity of His voice. You question your spirit of discernment: why would God ask this of you? Ultimately, you wish that the cup would pass from you. Still, you pray, saying, “Lord, if it really is your will, please say yes.” And if you are like me, you give Him instructions and specifications of the signs you need to be sure it is a ‘yes’. Then, against all odds, you hear that dreaded ‘yes’. Sometimes He adds toppings because who are you to try to run away from His calls? Another Jonah?
When this happens, it doesn’t matter that it’s from the all-knowing God. You fidget. Fear sets in about how you’ll handle the demands of the task – the what-ifs, the why me, and all those swirling thoughts. It’s okay. You are not alone. Even Gideon doubted his abilities. He asked God for signs. Remember Moses, the one whom God used to free the Israelites from slavery? He questioned the Lord too, saying: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” If it helps, bombard Him with every possible question you can think of.
However, if you give it some time, you will see for yourself why. Because all things work together for our good, and the Lord makes everything right in His time. Moreover, His plans towards us are that of good and not of evil. So, trust in the Lord with all your heart, especially in those moments.
Take it one step at a time.