Family Novena – Novena em Familia 2022

Family Novena – Novena em Familia 2022

Connecting to each other through our vulnerability

by Sr. Maria Jose da Silva MMM               Brazil              08.12.2022

In Brazil during this year of 2022 people passed through many forms of violence and destructive ways of relationships. This has made families more vulnerable and scattered. However, during this Advent once more the Brazilian people come together with hope to walk together in a new path and wait for the New Year with their hearts filled with joy.

The Novena for this year will help us to walk to Belem with the deep love expressed in Jesus’ family. It is always filled with meaning when we meditate about this mystery of God that becomes human and involves our own humanity in the middle of a simple family settling. This brings motivation and new ways for those who are committed to pray with each other during this Advent, believing that the God of creation is always present in the invisible and proves He is in command of all. The faith of our simple people is powerful and strong. It only that needs to be nurtured daily. It is part of our mission to keep this motivation alive and share among the people we are called to serve.

The Family Novena – “Novena de Natal “ helps each family pray and reflect on how we are nurturing the soil for a growing, engaged church among the poor. The Jubilee year for Vocations brings the general theme this year – “Vocation: Grace and Mission.” Twice each week, the local families, neighbours, come together as a small “domestic church”. The families reflect on different topics starting from the first session with vocation as hope, the second, Grace, the third is “going out of self”, the fourth is trust, the fifth is service, the sixth is “walk together”, the seventh is challenge, the eighth is joy and the final one, the ninth is mission. Reflecting on these topics twice weekly in family gatherings will help the people to share their stories and the blessings received during this past year. It is also an encouragement to God’s call that motivates people to do good. It helps also to become aware of God’s Presence through baby Jesus in our burning hearts to make this journey to Jerusalem.

Let us allow Advent to enlighten our minds and hearts to receive the light who is Jesus. He will guide our families and friends to continue walking with hope, bringing the same hope to those broken hearts. We are in the middle of our Synod preparation and our church is called to open the doors for all those who want to come. When we open our hearts to the poor we are allowing Jesus to become part of our family and share the bread of life with us.

Each week the group is called to express their witness in a concrete form/way that shows their commitment to the poor and vulnerable. With Mary we are encouraged to engage in our vulnerable world with the hope for a dignified way of living.