by Sr. Beatrice Iyioko MMM Angola 30.06.2022
Usually knocks at the door alerts us to the presence of a guest. This visitor may be someone known or yet unmet by us. They come with a request, a tale, news, or some information. This could be welcoming, good, bad, or rejected.
The first sound of the knock heard heightens our consciousness if we are expectant or makes us gloomy if all you needed was a rest after a hard day. The one who knocks has only to persist in order to be heard, or else they might give up. Some taps on the door bear sounds of familiar presence of known family or acquaintance. Some are quite unexpectant by us but are persistent. Some are alerting, and some can be betraying. Some knocks jerk us up to the present reality. A knock on the door has a message to complete us. To either seek our attention or complete our lack. I recall the words of Christ in the book of Rev 3:20: “I stand at the door of your heart and knock, if you open up, I will come and make my home with you.”
Here comes the knock of the one in need. One who trusts that in their lack, pain, or distress, you alone can give it a meaning. Maybe a listening ear, a cup of water, a piece of bread, some words of affirmation. It is easier to see the poor as a means to justify charitable acts, but I choose to see them as Christ who completes me and makes a home with me because they leave deep impression of God’s love in my heart.