18/12/1921 – 27/06/2023

Sr. M. Adalbert Simakova (Bibi) was born in Masov, Czech Republic, Petrovice, Czechoslovakia, the daughter of Anastasie (née Prochazkova) and Frantrisek Simakova and was the second in a family of five. She was baptised Bozena Marie.
As a young woman she left school early to help provide for her family and was employed by an Army Officer’s family, the Sumans, with whom she has remained friendly right up to the present day. During her time with the family, she attended Mass in the Jesuit Church in the city and when possible attended youth group meetings of the Czech Catholic Action, an organisation forbidden by the regime of the time. Among the many talks she attended there was one by a Fr. Horaek S.J. who spoke of missionaries and their work and how he was willing to help any young person who felt called to missionary life. Bibi eventually got talking to him, expressing a desire to do just that and with his influence got a place in the Nursing School run by the Charles Borremo Sisters with a view to leaving the country as a missionary when qualified. Several years later he contacted his Jesuit confreres in Propaganda Fide in Rome about Bibi and another newly qualified nurse who wished to become missionaries. In the strange ways of providence, he was advised to contact a Fr. Hugh Kelly S.J. in Ireland who, by coincidence, was Spiritual Director of Mother Mary Martin, Foundress of the recently founded MMM’s.
The rest is history. Contact was made with Mother Mary via Fr. Hugh and Bibi entered MMM on 08/09/1948, speaking very little English and also facing challenges both culturally and with traditions. In her second year Novitiate she, together with four professed Sisters, were assigned to the Apostolic Nunciature in Dublin, serving the Holy See in the person of the Nuncio and his household, a new commitment for MMM.
Bibi worked in the Nunciature for five years, showing herself to be extremely talented in many ways, especially working as both Chef and Household Manager. She was a great planner, full of initiative and imagination and always eager to learn more. She together with the other Sisters hosted many large diplomatic dinners for the many visitors who came.
Her next assignment was to London, working in the Apostolic Delegation where she played a similar role as in Dublin. It was an interesting time in the history of the Church when Pope John 23rd called the Second Vatican Council which involved many visitors of many denominations as well as Cardinals, Bishops and members of the Royal Family visiting the Delegation. Once again Bibi surpassed herself running the Delegation with great skill, creativity and a warm personality.
During these years, she was always aware of the presence of MMM Sisters attending various courses and programmes in London and went out of her way to welcome them warmly and help them with any difficulties they might have had.
In 1985, having completed her time in the Apostolic Delegation, she became involved in the pastoral care of the Czech community attached to the Jesuit Farm St. Church, London, giving invaluable support to them in their transition difficulties.
In 1987, Srs. Bibi and Helena Mulcahy were assigned for five years to Rome working with Bishop Jaroslav Skarvada of Czechoslovakia and the Czech community. Rome was preparing to receive many Czech pilgrims for the canonisation of Blessed Agnes of Bohemia, so it was a busy time for the Sisters as they had to be available to respond to the many needs of the pilgrims. The canonisation took place one week before the Velvet Revolution in Prague, which forced the regime to surrender. In the Czech tradition there was a prophecy that Czechoslovakia would be free when Blessed Agnes of Bohemia became a saint, and so it was.
In 1990, Bibi made her first visit home in 40 years – a deeply emotional experience for her and her family. She then retired to Prague to work with Bishop Skarvada and later to care for him in his final illness.
Sr. Bibi’s (Adalbert) whole life as an MMM was truly inspirational from her initial contact with Mother Mary and the Congregation right through to her death The challenges she left behind in Prague and those she faced in a new culture with different language, food and customs were huge, but she approached them all with commendable inner strength and calm. She was a true MMM although she never reached the continent of Africa and she exercised her MMM charism in each of the places to which she had been assigned. She kept up regular contact with the Motherhouse while living in Prague, especially to acknowledge the deaths of our sisters.
As her age advanced, her health deteriorated, and she was cared for by her great friend Sr. Dominica Bohusova O.P. Finally, in her 102nd year she died peacefully in the nearby hospital on 27th June 2023. In the days before the funeral, both Cardinal Duka and Bishop Zdenek Wasserbauer expressed to the MMMs their deep appreciation of Bibi. Her funeral took place on 13th July in Petrovice celebrated by the Emeritus Cardinal of Prague, Dominik Duka O.P. Among the Concelebrants was a nephew of the late Bishop Jaroslav Skarvada with whom Bibi had worked in Rome and whom she cared for in his final illness. Many family members also attended as well as three MMMs, Srs. Irene Balzan, Catherine Dwyer and Dervilla O’Donnell. The funeral was truly a celebration of the wonderful life lived by Sr. M. Adalbert (Bibi) Simakova MMM.