O’Connor, Sr. M. Evangelist

O’Connor, Sr. M. Evangelist

Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 133
D.O.B. 07.06.1914
First Profession: 02.07.1947
Died: 30.07.1999 Aged: 85 years

From Dungiven, Derry and baptised Bridget, Sr. M. Evangelist entered MMM on 27 December 1944 at Drogheda.

Already a qualified nurse, she did midwifery training in Drogheda.

After profession, she was assigned to Nigeria where she staffed in Anua for two years. In 1951, Tanzania claimed her for the opening of Kabanga. She spent twelve years in Kabanga and then went to Uganda for three years. Finally, in 1967, she moved to Kenya. Here she pioneered many more health facilities across the 32,000 square miles of Turkana terrain. She was affectionately known to the people there as the Akimat, meaning ‘the Wise One’ or ‘Old Lady’.

Also know as ‘Evange’, she is especially remembered for her skilled nursing care and generous hospitality, not to mention her fun-loving spirit.

She returned to Ireland in May 1999, aged 85, regretfully on a one-way ticket. Before settling down in Drogheda she set about contacting her many friends in Ireland. It was on a visit to Kilmacow and Waterford that she suffered a fatal heart attack and died in the hospital in Waterford. Her remains were brought back to Drogheda for burial.

She is remembered as a valiant woman, courageous, strong and decisive, with an energy that was put at the disposal of anyone who needed her care and competence.