Birthing the MMM Mission in Mato Grosso

Birthing the MMM Mission in Mato Grosso

For the last few years, the MMM community in Brazil has been researching a new place of Mission. In February, 2023, like the disciples ‘we were sent’ – missioned to Alto Boa Vista, Mato Grosso! Full of excitement and enthusiasm, after a two-day journey, we arrived…the ‘seed’ was planted!

The next step was the nurturing of the ‘seed’ so as to give this new mission the best possible chance of flourishing. We began by committing ourselves to building our small international community. This is an ongoing process…coming from three different nationalities with different languages, cultures and ages. We are committed to keeping our hearts and minds open as we listen to the Spirit. We believe in the importance of letting events and experiences, encounters and people influence our way of being, our relationships and our faith. As our Constitutions rightly say, “Listen to the Spirit in the quietness of your heart, in scripture, the liturgy, persons and events”.

The gestation period continued with “Hearts on fire, feet on the move” (we have no car) as we mingled with the people – doing home visits, alternative therapies, youth ministry, catechesis, etc and began considering our ministry focus which is being refined and maturing.

Like every gestation, we have had moments of great joy and a belief that this is where God wants MMM to be at this time. We also have had the ‘morning sickness’, the unwelcome ‘cramps’, the unexpected ‘contraction’ and then the consolation that the ‘infant in utero’ is still ‘kicking’… there is movement. Where there is movement there is life and life is God’s Spirit. We are confident that God’s Spirit is with us guiding us to bring this mission to birth.

 MMM Community Alto Boa Vista