Creative Fidelity

Creative Fidelity

Creative FidelityThis value is about remaining faithful to core principles/charism/spirit while seeking new ways to ‘be’ and to express these principles. God’s faithfulness to all creation is expressed this way: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning… Lamentations 3:22-23
This is a value about keeping the message of the gospel, the charism of our congregation and our commitment fresh, alive and relevant by constantly seeking new ways of being in the reality we find ourselves. A faithfulness that is not stagnant or a blind repetition but involves constant reflection, evaluation and discernment to allow the faithful love, the charism in us to be ‘born anew’ in each reality and in each person.
“Consecrated Life is not called upon to repeat what the founder did, but to do what the founder would do today, faithful to the Spirit, in responding to the apostolic needs of our time”.
Rev. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. – Superior General of the Society of Jesus