The Power of Easter: Lessons from the Garden of Gethsemane

The Power of Easter: Lessons from the Garden of Gethsemane

by Nadia Ramoutar MMM Communications Coordinator        Ireland                                   26.03.2024

There are many parts of the Easter story that can teach us above life, love and forgiveness. Jesus is a great teacher on many things but one of the great lessons I get from him is the dignity shown in the face of betrayal. Recently, someone close to me said something very unkind. It felt like a massive betrayal and I felt my heart get very heavy and sink within me. I retreated and took the rest of the evening to be very still and quiet. What was I to do with this news? As I prayed about it a small voice whispered “nothing”. That was exactly what I did.

The role of Judas is essential to the Easter Story. It is interesting in the different Gospels how the translation of what Jesus said to Judas is written slightly differently. Some say that Jesus said do what you must do quickly. Some say do what you have come to do. Some say What are you about to do friend? The variation is subtle but the implication is quite great. It is clear that betrayal was something that Jesus openly predicted and observed. Can we learn that betrayal is just part of our story too? We should not expect to live a life where everyone is honest, open and just?

Without Judas, we do not have the Easter Story of Jesus.

Betrayal is part of the human experience of being alive. Very few people have never experienced it either as the one committing the betrayal or as the one who is betrayed. Perhaps it is naïve to hope to get through life without betrayal. Yet, is it also more important to build up our faith and know that when we are betrayed it is not actually about, us but about the person who is the betrayer?

We are only human after all and we don’t always have the courage to cope with the hurt people we love or care about may cause almost casually. I think there is a major sense of betrayal when human tragedy happens on a global scale like in some of the warzones around the world now. The betrayal seems so obvious to us but not so to the people committing the crimes or violence against others.

What we can learn from Jesus is to have dignity and to receive betrayal with grace. The story continues that Jesus prevents violence from taking place after his arrest and betrayal. He had no interest in retribution. Again, another powerful lesson. We do not need to pick up arms, cause harm or to strike back in anger.

The day after I felt betrayed by a loved one, I was in Church and I was praying. All of a sudden sun came through the stained glass window. I felt the warmth of it on face and I knew without a doubt that I was loved.