O’Hagan, Sr. M. Peter Claver

Congregational Register No. 574
D.O.B. 11.11.1910
First Profession 03.10.1963
Died: 06.04.2005
Aged: 94.years

Sheelah Mary O’Hagan was born in Newry, Co. Down. She was the third child and the second daughter in a family of three brothers and three sisters. When Sheelah was fourteen years old her mother, Adelaide, died. She was only forty-three. A lady from Trim, Nana Morgan, nursed her mother during her illness and then stayed on until the family were reared. Sheelah had a warm and loving relationship with Nana Morga,n who was a wonderful homemaker and loved the family. In her early twenties, Sheelagh was sent to the Edinburgh College of Domestic Science, where she received her diploma. She taught domestic economy in vocational schools in Ireland before she began demonstration work with the ESB. She worked for the ESB from 1935 until 1960, when she entered MMM.


Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 619
D.O.B.: 13.12.1939
First Profession: 03.10.1964
Died: 21.12.1998 Aged: 59 years

Eileen, known for a while as Sr. Maria Catalina, was from Co. Kerry, though at the time of entering MMM in February 1962 her address was in Maynooth, Co. Kildare.


Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 408
D.O.B. 31.05.1923
First Profession: 26.04.1958
Died: 02.06.1987 Aged: 64 years

Sr. Finbarr, baptised Maureen Theresa, from Bandon, Co. Cork, entered MMM in September 1955. Before entering, she was known to be a great ‘horsey’ woman; she loved horses and riding.


Sister Maura was born Mary Brigid O’Donohue in Lickeen, Kilfenora, County Clare in 1933. She attended school at Kilshanny Primary School and Saint Mary’s College in Mountmellick. She entered the Medical Missionaries of Mary in 1950. Two of her school friends, Maura Ramsbottom and Nano Rhatigan (Sister Consolata)  also joined.

Maura began studies in medicine in UCD as a postulant and qualified in 1957. In 1958 she was assigned to Nigeria, where she worked for a year in Urua Akpan. In 1959 she was appointed to the MMM general council and served for three years. During that time she attended Regina Mundi Institute in Rome. Mother Mary also asked Maura to accompany her during an extended tour. This involved visiting MMM missions, inspecting hospitals and travelling to countries where MMM had been asked to establish services.


Sr Maria Goretti OConorNationality: Irish
Congregational Register No.
D.O.B. 31.05.1932
First Profession: 08.09.1955
Died: 30.04.2007 Aged: 74 years

Mary (Mae) O’Conor was born in Dublin, where her father worked as a foreman in a large factory.  She was the eldest child and had four brothers and two sisters. She was educated at the Holy Faith Convent and later at Gaffrey’s Commercial College.  She entered MMM in Clonmel in 1950 but left in 1951 to look after her younger siblings while her mother was in hospital for an extended period.  She re-entered MMM in 1953 in Drogheda.


margaret_oconor_cropSister Margaret slipped away to her heavenly home on 9 June 2011. She had celebrated her 90th birthday on 8 March with her large extended family – a most joyous occasion. Among the fourteen priests who concelebrated her funeral Mass were her two brothers, Fr. Joe of St. Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan, and Fr. Pat of the Columban Missionary Society, and her nephew Fr. Joe Mulcahy of Kiltegan. Her sisters Eileen, Mary and Phil, their families, as well as a large MMM community also mourned her passing.


Sr Maureen OConnorNationality: Irish
Congregational Register No. 297
D.O.B. 26.01.1932
First Profession 08.09.1954
Died: 29.01.2001 Aged: 69 years

Maureen was born in Dublin, the eldest of ten children. Her family has lovely memories of the times when Maureen was left in charge during their parents’ absence. She was very creative and had a great sense of fun, and while the younger ones might have had some near misses on the garden swing, a great time was had by all!

When Maureen finished secondary school at the Holy Faith Convent, Glasnevin, she wanted to enter MMM, but her father insisted that she have other experiences first. She worked as a clerical officer before entering MMM in 1951. Maureen, who was very athletic and loved games, chose a camogie match, a kind of Irish hockey, instead of a farewell party on the evening beforehand.


Nationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 133
D.O.B. 07.06.1914
First Profession: 02.07.1947
Died: 30.07.1999 Aged: 85 years

From Dungiven, Derry and baptised Bridget, Sr. M. Evangelist entered MMM on 27 December 1944 at Drogheda.

Already a qualified nurse, she did midwifery training in Drogheda.


Sr. M. Bernadine O'ConnorNationality: Irish
Congregational Register No: 259
D.O.B. 02.09.1929
First Profession: 06.04.1953
Died: 08.03.1984 Aged: 54 years

Joan, from Cashel in Co. Tipperary, entered at Drogheda on 1 August 1950.

After novitiate formation and general nurse and midwifery training, she was assigned to Kitovu in Uganda where she worked for four years. During her time in Uganda, she had a very serious accident.


Myra O ConnellSister Myra was born in Dun Laoghaire, County Dublin in 1925 and joined the Medical Missionaries of Mary in 1943. After profession she trained as a nurse in Saint Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin and as a midwife in Drogheda.

She worked for about two years in the theatre and outpatients’ department in Drogheda before assignment to Naples, Italy in 1953. She served there as a ward sister for eleven years, followed by two years in Rome. In 1966 Myra returned to Ireland to train as a nurse tutor in University College Dublin. She taught for two years in the school of nursing in Drogheda and was re-assigned to Naples for a further two years.
